Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy holiday

Starting 28 sept until 4 oct i was so happy even so this main holiday is Hari Raya because many of my old old friends are all back to hometown~~Taiping(Rainy Town). This whole week, i enjoy very much and mostly go out for kia kia during afternoon untill morning(2-3am) and sometimes morning come out too. Go out here and there, even more now taiping already develope: got cinema, sushi king, starbuck, pelita and more... For those week, i watch 2 movie with old friends which is death race and eagle eye. Both movie are so best.... excelent movie. Then sometimes ask people come out "yam cha"; now got new word replace "yam cha" which is "ka teh"...

But got 1 night many people are busy with their own stuff; study, doing assignment, lab report and more, i was so boring but lucky got 1 person was not busy(" my daughter ") so i got find

" my daughter " for chatting( kheng kai).

At last i have enjoy the most after i finish my study 3 years in diploma. That week i will remember what have i enjoy.. hooray!!!!!

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